Liposuction and Liposculpture


It consists of the extraction of localized fat through minimal incisions, which are hidden in non-visible places, using cannulas, which are hollow cylinders that allow fat to be removed thanks to a machine that generates a vacuum.



Liposuction and Liposculpture 1

Who is the candidate?

It is the ideal procedure to eliminate accumulations of fat, in patients who are not overweight and who have a healthy lifestyle, it offers a shaping of the body contour, which, together with a proper diet and regular physical activity, produces excellent results.



It can be assisted with technology elements such as VASER, which is a type of resonance amplified ultrasound, which allows better fat removal with less trauma to the tissue.

The term liposculpture is used to refer to the “artistic” work that is done during liposuction, that is, achieving muscle marking, injecting fat in places where it is required and specifically molding certain areas.

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